CellARICH PRP tubes are the highest-performing PRP preparation tubes, offering a highly concentrated autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) formulation. CellARICH PRP tubes utilize advanced technology to maximize the concentration of platelets and growth factors.
CellARICH PRP tubes prepare PRP from patients' own blood, making PRP safe and effective in a wide range of aesthetic and cosmetic conditions. CellARICH PRP tubes come in three different sizes: 12 mL, 22 mL, and 30 mL. CellARICH PRP tubes provide healthcare professionals with three different devices—2.1-fold concentration, 3.2-fold concentration, and 5.1-fold concentration—to manage and customize each aesthetic and cosmetic procedure.
Note: CellaRich is a PRP preparation tube and medical device. CellaRich is not PRP by itself.